Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wrestling Practice

I had fun practicing after school. First i had to practice for basketball it was fun but i mostly like wrestling because i can try and beat someone in my weight class and try go for the first place medal. Thats if I can make it to state I'll be proud what i have achieved from last year wresting. At wresting practice i was wrestling Mr.Jung than i switched to Howard because Mr.Jung wanted to wrestle Jeremy. Man Howard was pretty hard to wrestle because he's stronger than me at wrestling. I can only do moves on him like I would try and trap him on a wrestling move. man i have bad sore throat today. Man I can't wait till i go Newstuyarak today yea.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Man the snow-go just couldn't work anymore in the morning. Freaking pisses me off. While i was bringing my lil sister and my lil brother the sow-go just couldn't work by Earl Samualsons house. Than i told my brother and sister to walk to the school because i knew that the snow-go wouldn't even start. I tried to start the snow-go than i started to walk to the school and called my brother and told him that the snow-go couldn't work. I asked Howard if I can use his snow-go he let me used his snow-go and went to go get my brother. THE END

Monday, November 23, 2009


Wrestling in Bethel was fun. Their was a lot of wrestling and most of the wrestlers were very big. When i wrestled my first match was a easy match, and i had to wrestle once in that day. Than the next morning I had to wrestle a Kotzabue wrestler. Man the person from kotzabue just muscled me, than he pined me fast. the third match was a boy from Chevak me and that buy from Chevak were as equil well gtg class going to start